Background mining underground Tire
Underground mines
Tires designed for extreme working conditions
Underground mines present the most extreme working conditions for machines and people. To withstand the landslides, floods, and heat encountered during ore mining, tires must be extremely reliable. They must also be able to withstand heavier loads for maximum productivity.
In such an environment, downtime has critical consequences, which can result in the loss of half a day’s work or more. In response to these challenges, we have developed a range of high-tech tires, capable of better resisting extreme conditions and carrying increasingly heavy loads.
With its new range of Pro Line tires for underground mining machines, Michelin has launched NRF technology, which improves resistance to aggression thanks to:
• Two additional plies added to the tire structure which contain nylon cords cross-woven throughout the rubber for more resistance and robustness
• New cables in the working plies for better resistance from damage and better protection against oxidation
To complement the widest range of tires on the market, Michelin offers solutions adapted to the extreme conditions of surface mines with high-quality technical support and the most comprehensive range of services on the market. The best tire is nothing without the best service. Our experts, as well as our simulation and analysis tools, help you make the best use of your tires to improve your productivity.

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